My Videos

ClipFinder HD trenner My Videos

If you have favorite videos which you like to watch repeatedly, this is the place for them. The My Videos section contains the categories to have a look at the movies you’ve favoured or downloaded. You are able to review the videos, put the to another category or save a category as a playlist.

ClipFinder HD cat new.zoom85 My Videos

Save category

ClipFinder HD trenner My Videos

Saves the whole category as a playlist file (m3u)! The category can now be send to your friends, saved for further usage, removed temporary, shared on websites and so on!


Add a Category (New Category)

ClipFinder HD trenner My Videos

Categories are a clever way to sort your videos by style, content and so on. Choose  New Category to add a new one, type the name and click OK to enter. The videos can be moved easily by drag and drop from one category to another. Click at the category tabs at the left left (e.g. the default categories My Videos and Downloads) to navigate between the categories. 


Load Category

ClipFinder HD trenner My Videos

The Ashampoo ClipFinder HD also allows to load a whole category with a few clicks. Categories can be saved comfortably as a playlist file (see text below). Click at Load Category and an Explorer window opens where you can browse through your files and select the playlist by clicking at Open. The new category will be displayed immediately.



How to handle your Categories (Play, Save as Playlist, Move)

ClipFinder HD trenner My Videos

The Ashampoo ClipFinder HD-Team developed some special features for the categories. A right-click at the category’s name  offers an interesting menu.


ClipFinder HD cat down en My Videos


Play: Plays the whole category.


Download: Downloads the whole category according to the settings of the DownloadManager.


Rename category


Delete Category: Erases the category.



How to upgrade from Clipfinder to Ashampoo ClipFinder HD and keep your categories

ClipFinder HD trenner My Videos

The Ashampoo ClipFinder HD is a for more advanced program than the predecessor so an upgrade is more than advisable. If you want to keep / import your categories: Don’t worry, that’s no problem at all!  Just open up the old Clipfinder, move to My videos and save your category as a playlist (see above). Start Ashampoo ClipFinder HD, move to My Videos and click at Load Category. Select the playlist of the old Clipfinder (the one you’ve saved moments ago) and import this playlist as a new category. Ready!



My Videos